Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Chuckle a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

So last night after we got home from a fun night of partying my roommates and I decided to be responsible and go to bed before 2 o'clock instead of watching a movie. For the past couple of weeks our bishop has been stressing that we should be at church at least 10 minutes early, this was our gaol. So off to bed early we went with plans to wake up in time.

So this morning I get up with the extreme urge to pee. Looking at the clock I realized it was 8:24 our church starts at 9..........I woke everyone up and they all jumped out of bed in a hurry. Showers, hair, make up, clothes were all done as fast as possible and we left the apartment at 9.

When we reached the car we had our work cut out for us because it was covered in snow. We brushed and scraped and when we tried to open the doors to get in we found them FROZEN. After we all climbed in through the one door we got open we were frozen but off on our way. Until we realized that that one door was frozen OPEN. And of course it would be my door that wouldn't close so as we drove to church I held the door closed to keep from flying out, even though Michelle was trying to push me out. haha

Now like 15 minutes late we went up the stairs and made it to the door. We had to wait because we missed the sacrament, and then we slid into the back row. We finally thought we were safe until the first speaker started talking and what is the lesson on??!?!?!!? Of course it is on "Being prepared and the importance of attending your meetings". The first speaker called out people on the back row and each speaker after that talked about "being prepared and taking the time to be early to your meeting", and "prepare and be willing to exercise your faith and come early".

It was all too funny. Ohhhh man. I spent all 3 hours of church trying not to laugh. Which was only made worse because it was church and I had to be quiet.

After all of that we decided to go to the local family ward down the street for sacrament. We were there 15 minutes early and we just so happen to pick the most child populated ward in Rexburg. We spent that meeting laughing at all the crazy silly kids, and I even got to hole a beautiful 3 week old baby girl :) hahaha
What a day. Gotta love silly life.


  1. hahahaha that is too funny.
    and family wards are fun because the kids keep you entertained. :)
