My Family

My family is full of the most, talented, caring, smart, 
spunky, random, determined, silly, funny,  
hardworking, and crazy people I know. 
They can lift me from any funk, always bring a smile to my face 
and cause me to laugh the hardest. 
My mom always told me “friends and boys will come and go, 
but you’re stuck with you family forever”.
 I am so lucky and blessed to be “stuck” with these
 amazing people forever. 
They are the my best friends and the source for 
a great deal of happiness in my life.

Robert Norris Rushton came into my life when I was around 10 years old. Some new step dads are pushy or annoying, not this man. He naturally fell into the tittle of dad, or as I like to call him, daddy. He raised 3 children already and most thought he was insane for taking on 4 more (plus one later) that weren't even his, I fell into that group. Him and I didn’t always get along, I was after all the first teenage girl he ever had to deal with… and my attitude may have left him questioning his choice. As we moved passed the eye rolling stages and the difficult years this man grew to amaze me. He is the most kind hearted person I know, he is hard working and always there to comfort. My daddy is the reason for many of my families laughing moments and the butt of most our jokes because of his style. He is quirky and endearing and is the only man in my life that has always been there for me. I admire every quality in him and when he asked if he could adopt me, even though it was difficult making it work, I knew that it was the right thing. After all as far as I am concerned he is the only real dad I have ever had. Every day I am thankful that I am blessed to have this man in my life and for the person that he is. He is the best daddy a girl could ask for!

Laurie Rushton came into my life… just kidding. Even before this woman gave birth to me I’m pretty sure I knew that the mommy I was getting was special. She is smart, talented, and a good friend. There was a time she was a single mom… and the strength and determination she has will forever astound me. She is funny, light hearted, and the best supporter there is. More than just taking care of me and giving me things my mommy has instilled in me a positive and hardworking attitude. I will forever remember her saying “If you think it’s going to be bad then it will be, it’s all about your attitude”. I am pretty sure that all of my positive qualities come from her and there is no one I trust more on this earth. I strive to be like her and I am a better person because I have her as a mother. 

Ugh. Landon Bryant Rushton …..this kid annoys me. Haha He has such talent, not just in sports but in most aspects of his life…. And he isn’t afraid to tell you about them haha okay okay joking aside this kid really does amaze me. He works hard and is always fun to be around. He has made mistakes…. In fact sometimes he is just plain dumb but if there is one thing I know it is to never put a limit on this kid because he will surprise you every time. Growing up we used to play together and he was my best friend, he is too cool for me now but he is still a wonderful brother and a person I even look up to in some aspect of his life. He is funny and cute, with a big nose, and I am happy that he is in my life.

Braden Ryan Rushton! My teddy bear! This boy is adorable. Braden is that sibling that picks on you and jokingly insults you and then comes and cuddles with you on the couch. He is sensitive and caring and maybe trying a little too hard to grow up…..He has skills and talents that rival Landon’s but takes a back seat to Landon’s big head haha This boy is sweet with an infectious laugh and I love him with all of my heart. 

Rylee Michael Rushton is insane. I have never before met a girl with such spunk and character. She is independent to say the least and she goes through life according to her own rules. She is funny with an always present smile and her teen  attitude. She has a love for life that is seen in almost everything she does, and she is the type of person that most people want to follow. I admire her and even want to be like her. She had become a best friend and the best source for randomness and laughter.

Taysha Noreen Rushton is amazingly talented. She is quick and smart but more than anything she is willing to put in the work to be better. She is a gym rat and will probably have more skills than anyone in the family. She loves work books, making up games and playing games. She is funny, smiley, giggle and adorable and a vital member of our family. I love her with all of my heart.

Rocky Rushton is the best puppy in the world! He is the best cuddle buddy and I love him. We couldn't have asked for a better dog. He is amazing and I love him with my whole heart.