Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Home Away From Home

It's been a while...... so to put an end to my slacking here is a big thank you to the amazing new people this last year has brought me. 

I honestly couldn't have dreamed up all of the fun I had in college my first year. As a kid you paint this picture in your head full of bright colors, big splotches and globs of glitter. You imagine new best friends, crazy new characters, insane fun every night and that feeling of being on top of the world, finally on your own taking life by the horns and making your own rules as you go. It becomes a mindset "just wait tell I get to college", 

"everything will be different in college". I know because I always pictured this different world... and as a kid I always pictured how I would be a different person and that life would just do a 180 when I finally reached that dreamed about moment. Laughing now I am sitting here home for the summer my first year of college over.... yeah time really does fly.... and it's actually weird how nothing ever goes quite how you plan it lol both for the good and the bad. Things I never pictured or planned for sprang up, there were tears, some fights, insecurities and worries. Yet at the same time somethings have turned out better then I ever could have imagined and wished.

 I took a huge leap when I left for college last September because I decided to go alone. No person next to me to exchange looks with, no one already in on my inside jokes and no security in being already comfortable around someone. I jumped, ready to fall and expecting the worst, when I reached the new four walls that would be my new room. What I found behind the door to apartment 318 changed my life. I started out shy but as the year went on I was having more fun than I thought possible. I can't even begin to explain how lucky I was to end up with the roommates I got.

 They are some of the most amazing people that have had a big impact on my life, and have made me a better person just from being around them. My roommates have become seriously my best friends and every morning I  felt blessed to be living with them. That first semester Jessica and Danielle were so sweet and gave me some of the strength I needed to face all that I had going on. They were kind, understanding,  interested and always willing to help. Having them, as well as Michelle and Erin,  there to listen, laugh with and at me, and provide excitement got me through one of the hardest times in my life and I love them with all of my heart. The type of people they are bring light and happiness to my life. 

First semester went by way to fast and as I cried hugging my best friends good bye I was pretty scared to go threw the next semester  without them. Yet second semester surprised me and continued to blow me away. I got to live with Erin and Michelle H. from my first semester along with 3 new girls Alisha, Kimberly, and Michelle C. We had no drama that second semester, just constant laughing and smiles. They picked me up, the made me happy, and they have truly become my family and home away from home. 
I didn't want that semester to end because living with them is always an exciting adventure.My room roommate Michelle has become a big person in my life. She is crazy funny, and even though we fight (I scream crazy loud in her ear... ) and sometimes I wanna punch her face haha I am so happy and lucky to have shared a room with her :) She always speaks her mind and she keeps me in line. I lalalove her! haha Words can't even explain how content, positively happy and upbeat I feel just sitting in the kitchen joking with my little college family, and going to school at BYU Idaho. The atmosphere and the person I am becoming is more than I could ever ask for and expect from college.

         The part of my imagination that didn't come true was my wish to just all of a sudden be a different person haha I am realizing that you can't just snap your fingers, or go off to college to solve your problems or to improve. Its an everyday process of hard work and making little changes at a time. So I guess that this wish not coming true is actually another positive. Its going through the tough things in a problem that making you a better person. It's not just about a new and improved you but going through the trials and learning through them that makes you who you need to be.

My first year of college brought so many new and exciting things. Skydiving, raves in caves, twizle berry, laughing until I almost peed, crazy adventures, wacky dress up, parties, the best birthday EVER, living room forts, movies, crossing things off my bucket list and unforgettable times. I feel blessed. I feel lucky and thankful for all that I have in my life. I truly feel that all of these people were given to me for me to learn from and they are exactly what I needed at all the right times, because I learned important things from  all of them. I don't know if they will ever understand how much they helped me face one of the hardest and most scary times of my life, and how much they all mean to me. It honestly blows my mind how much the Lords hand is in almost every aspect of my life. It amazes me how much he loves and cares for me to surround me with so many things, events and people that improve my life. I feel blessed to be where I am and to have all of these people I love. This is just one aspect of all that I have to be thankful for. 
There is so much more in my life that I have been given that even if I tried to express my gratitude 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year for the rest of my life I still couldn't throughly say Thank You. At home now things are different but I absolutely love being home, I just miss my other family, not the one I was born into but my family all the same. I'm not very good at keeping in touch, I never have been :/ but I can't wait to live with them again and I get excited just thinking about the new crazy adventures in our future :)


  1. Breannaaaaaaa. You made me cry! hahahaha you are adorable. and I miss you so very very much. but yes, fall semester was wonderful and I'm SO glad that I met you. :) I love you honey! And I'm excited to hang out with you guys again too.... I just don't know when it'll be.... :/ BUT it'll happen! :)

  2. You are such a good blogger! I need to learn from you! Its been so fun! And I'm SO so so SO so glad I met you! seriously. I have learned so much from wouldn't believe how much! Stay beautiful! I love you!

  3. You two are cute!
    Thanks so much :)
    You never fail to make me smile and thank you for reading what i write haha
    Love you both!

  4. sorry this is a little late... but wow girl.. you made me cry. for reals. I know you needed someone but I didn't realize I helped you because you helped me. It's funny how people are put in our path exactly when we need them! You are one of the strongest most courageous people I know! I'm glad we have a family to rely on up here at school! I cannot wait to have much more adventures this coming fall:)

  5. I love you Jessica :)
    Thanks so much doll face haha and I seriously can't wait for next semester!! :D
