Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It Doesn't Get Better Than This

You couldn't pay me to go back to middle school... I was awkward and weird looking, insecure and I wore the same jacket like every day.... and don't even get me started on the hair, braces and glasses... Needless to say I am happy those days are over haha but there is one thing that happened in middle school that would forever change and bless my life, I met my life long best friend.

It was 8th grade and I was having the worst time of my life with some not very nice girls and I went home crying almost every day. I started sitting at a new table for lunch with Simone, Rachel and Brandi Clarke. We became fast friends. They took me in, built me up and gave me confidence and great times. The years came and 4 became 3 and by sophomore year we were down to just 2, Brandi Clarke and I.

Other than my family I would have to say that Brandi Clarke has had the most impact on my life. She has been by my side through EVERYTHING. When a huge secret and devastating family crisis came up in high school it was her that I called at 2 in the morning and even though I'm sure she couldn't make out a word I was saying through all the tears she talked to me, and calmed me down. Everyone needs a 2 am friend. She was there every time my biological father was awful to me, she was there when people were rude to me but more importantly she was there for all the good times.

Brandi was there when I got my first kiss; fell in love for the first time and when I had my first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth heartbreak and so on. She was there for every dumb decision and mistake. Every time I went back to the wrong guy or let my heart lead when my mind should have. She never once judged me or thought I was crazy or irrational, she always understood and talked me through all my feelings, getting me back on the positive, right path. She was ALWAYS right haha and I never listened to her, I still don’t (You'd think I’d learn my lesson....) yet she was always there to comfort me and get upset and protective. She believes in me and gives me confidence.

We are very different, we believe different things and do different things but she has never been anything but supportive and protective of my morals and values. We have only fought once.... over John Diggs (kill me) haha but even that only lasted a day..... Sure she annoys me sometimes and I make fun of how long it takes her to get ready but there is not a better person in the world.

She is beautiful. Inside and out. She has a heart of gold; she is nice to everyone.... even when they don't deserve it. She is funny, she is outspoken, she is the best kind of weird there is. She is not afraid to be herself. She is so strong, hardworking and silly. I hope to be more like her someday. She is trusting and full of love and compassion. Understanding with just the perfect amount of tough love. She deserves everything good in life, the very best. I don't think I could ever fully explain how much I love her and how much I think she deserves. She should be treasured and adored. I don't think she understands how special she is and that people like her come around once in a life time..... If I could I would throw a parade in her honor every day. I would hire people to complement her on all she does idk haha but if I could find some way to show her how wonderful she is I would. She is the very best things about life.

As we went off to college we were scared where our friendship would end up... but that was a silly fear to have with a friendship like ours. No matter how much time we spend apart or don't talk nothing changes. We only grow closer and she only means more to me. Every shattered heart, body image issue, family drama, school or life worry she has been there.... right by my side no matter what. She can't take the pain away but with a friend like her and with the support she gives she makes the pain lessen. She puts a smile on my face, gratitude in my heart and positives in my head. She is beautiful.

Even if it's just a sad post on Facebook I get a call or text asking how I am, she would drop anything and everything to be there for me, and I would do the same for her.... nothing beats the feeling of having someone you can depend on no matter what.

She is the best friend a girl could ask for. Yeah I have made more amazing best friends but there will never be another Brandi Clarke. She is the one that has gotten me through my darkest days and she is the one with whom I have shared my happiest moments. But more than always being there for me she has taught me what I deserve.

Boys should be warned now, she has set an impossibly high standard, and while I know that no boy will ever be Brandi Clarke she has taught me to never settle. That I am amazing and just like her I deserve the best out of life. I am spoiled by her love and attention, her understanding and support. I will never be able to express or thank her for all she is to me but I am so lucky to have her, and so lucky to have more and more mistakes to face and happy times to enjoy with her by my side. There are so many adventures to come.

Someday her and I will find ourselves in our spot overlooking all of Olympia. Our kids and husbands at home and we will look back, remember and laugh at all of the crazy, stupid, magical, awful, silly, hurtful, lovely and tough things that got us to that point. We will laugh at all of the b.s. and dumb people and all of the hard things that got us down because no matter what happens the world is a beautiful place when you have a best friend like Brandi Clarke <3

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