Friday, September 9, 2011

How Do you Leave Such a Beautiful Place

This summer more than any before I was able to truly appreciate the beautiful place I grew up in. There is just something about leaving, and facing leaving again that makes you take a deeper look, a longer glance. Washington is one of the most beautiful places in the world and my experience growing up here has been just as beautiful.

I love driving down the freeway and having tall deep green trees on either side of me. I can walk 5 minutes and be at the water, I can drive 15 minutes and be downtown, 30 to a mall and 45 to the city. Yes it may rain a bit more but when the clouds disapear, the smell of fresh rain still in the air and the sun shines and everything looks to be glowing it is magical. Words cannot do this breathtaking state justice. Everyday being here I found one more reason to be thankful for Washington. Its not brown, everything is alive, its the perfect temperature, and it brings a smile to my face.

More that just the beauty I find here, my love for Washington goes deeper. I have so many silly memories, from car chases, spray paint, saran wrapping, late night drives, volleyball games, fireworks, Dennys and one a.m. Then there are the meaningful talks at the capital, hand holds around the lake, rock jumping pictures, sitting in random parking lots spilling our guts, ice cream runs, and girl talks. Where I learned to drive, where I spent the best 4 years of my life and where I discovered Brandi Clarke and Michela Laverty are the best most meaningful friends a girl could have.This place brings me nothing but happiness and comfort.

My home is here, my amazing family and crazy backyard volleyball games, our bbqs, and playful bickering. Everything about this state feels like home, and the only way to describe it is by saying I just belong here, and the boy my heart belongs with is here.

Yet off I go again, to a brown flat freeeeeeeezing state. I can't express how much everything in me is going to ache for home, or how no amount of tears I cry will convey how much I miss this place. I know I am off to have fun, the time of my life even, just remember Washington, a part of me is here with you, and a part of you is with me. Keep my family safe, make sure my friends have the times of their lives and that boy that I'm in love with, keep him happy and make sure he knows that I fall a little more in love with him everyday.
Take Care.


  1. You are absolutely adorbs AND I am so sad that I won't be in that brown flat freezing state with you. :((

    But you'll have an amazing time without me and Washington will still be there when you are done! :)

    Love you!

  2. Thanks haha and I know I miss you here! Its weird without you lol

    But I will try haha Love you :)
