Sunday, October 9, 2011

And With One Text My Life Was Changed

It read "I'm going to be baptized in two weeks :)"
The phone fell from my hands, tears appeared in my eyes and a huge smile spread across my face. Needless to say my crying really confused my roommate and after grabbing the phone from the ground and reading it she too was smiling and excited. My other roommate joined and they both asked why I was crying. They were mostly happy tears but at the same time I was sad I wasnt going to be able to be there. "We are getting you there" were the first words out of  all they said and not even 10 minutes later Jessica's mouth and not eve 10 minutes later we had an elaborate plan to take Michelle's car, get gas money from my dad, leave Friday, get there Saturday morning and stay till Monday morning. The whole thing was going to be a huge surprise for everyone! The only person that knew about anything was my dad who played dumb to my mom when she brought up trying to get me there. We were all so excited. Erin, Jessica and Michelle all informed their parents who where all on board.

As the days grew closer and October 9th came nearer excitement grew. We would all die laughing when Jordon would say "Just come here now", or "I still have a month and 24 days till I get to see you, that is way too long" haha  There was even a bet about him losing 20 pounds by the "next time I saw him" in "almost 2 months" bwahahahaaha I had to try so hard not to laugh or mess up and give us away. But I did amazing and even broke out some tears at times hahaha

Friday finally came and with enough excitement we were about to burst we climbed into the car. Food, Pepsi, Candy, laughing, loud music and craziness kept us up on the 13 hour car ride to reach Washington at 5 am. We almost ran out of gas on a mountain, pants were almost peed, music was being screamed, fog was everywhere and scary corners were taken. But we made it haha
My family did double takes with their mouths wide open, and when we showed up to Jordons house before he got there the screaming and jumping made for the best reactions of all from his mom and sister :) 

Jordon was called and we all waited for him to show up... it was the longest 15 minutes of my life. His dad told me to text him and tell him I didnt want to talk to him and his mom was laughing because she knew he would come over and freak out about it haha True to her guess Jordon walked in the door really concerned I was mad at him, and we could hear him as he made his way to his little brothers room where we were all hiding and they "needed help moving something" haha

I will never forget the look on his face or the amazing weekend we had. I was whole again, my other half wasn't missing and I fell more in love with him all over again. We showed my roommates all around Washington, had a blast and laughed enough for weeks. Played games with my family, joked and just spent quality fun time with people we all grew to love.
Now Jordon is baptized.... and I cant even put in to words how I am feeling but there was a lot of crying.... haha

I am just so thankful for amazing roommates who were willing to skip class, use their car and make my dream come true. I will forever be in debt to
 their amazing gift to me and I love them so much. 
I am so blessed. I am in awe at how loved I felt this weekend. My grandpa gave me gas money and Jordon's mom handed me a card at his baptism I almost cried when I read the most amazing compliments and saw the gas money. His family is amazing and I love them all as my own. The sweet texts I got from his mom and dad separately touched me and amazing me. They are amazing people and I am so thankful for them. 

Everything about this weekend was magical and I feel so blessed and greatful for everything and every person in my life. Especially all of those that went to Jordons baptism. Jordon and his family were blown away by the packed room and I was amazed. This weekend..... was perfect <3 Thank you to everyone who helped make it that way.

1 comment:

  1. The things you do and you roommates did for me was amazing. I have never met someone who was willing to sacrifice so much for me and it touches my heart. I love you Breanna Ashley Rushton, Because of you I am forever changed.
