Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How Did I Get So Lucky?

I was having a really down day. Just kind of out of it and frustrated about life. I was laying in bed when my phone rang and on the other end was my beautiful baby sister. We talked about life, she made me laugh and lifted my spirits. We got off the phone and then later that night I got this message and picture. 

"See this girl right here, she's beautiful. No matter what anyone else says I think she's beautiful and I look up to her. She's a great example to me and It kills me that she thinks so badly of her self.  All my friends talk about how pretty she is and I don't like what she's doing to her body it kills me to hear. You're perfect in every way, you're funny, smart, pretty, outgoing and all around amazing. Next time you look in the mirror picture yourself the way God sees you and ask yourself if he likes what you're doing to your beautiful body. You should never compare yourself to magazines or people around you or skinny people cuz they just aren't normal to be that skinny. You're perfect the way your body is and I love you and you have tons of people who love you keep your head up sister love you:)"

I don't know when she grew up, and I don't know when she became so amazing. But she truly is something special. She blows my mind everyday. I love her attitude about life, her spunk, her confidence and her passion for weirdness in life. I have so much respect for her and so much love for her. It's an interesting day when your 14 year old little sister puts you in your place, calls you out, and shows so much more wisdom than you. 

All I did was cry when I got that message. Because it was so touching to have her care so much about me and also because I feel like I let her down. I admire her and am so thankful for her. I can't even put into words how much I care and adore that little girl..... she is so special. Amazing. I hope someday to be more like her, that may sound weird because she is younger than me but she is full of such honest beauty and love and she is a great example. She is crazy, insane, outgoing, loving, gorgeous and so many more amazing things. I don't know how I got so lucky but I will forever be in debt to all the amazing goodness she has brought into my life. I don't know what I would do without her <3 

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