Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank You

I have been so thankful lately. I look around me and I see so much love and greatness and caring.... it honestly just leaves me with my mouth open. I look at the people in my life... and I see all that they do for me and I am so blessed. I guess sometimes it is easier to see all of this when you are going through a down time and you have something to compare it to.

I have the most amazing family. I get calls, texts, Facebook posts, encouraging messages and any means of encouragement possible. And it is what is in these calls and messages that amazes me the most. They aren't angry, or bitter, they aren't full of judgement, rude remarks or hateful comments about someone else. They are full of love. They focus on my greatness, my worth and what I deserve. They are uplifting, gentle and encouraging. They fill me with love and appreciation. Not everyone has that... in fact many don't. Not everyone has such kind parents. Ones that encourage and cultivate their children to be individuals that make their own decisions. Parents that teach consequences while at the same time giving and allowing the freedom to make mistakes. Not everyone has parents that love without conditions, respect you enough to not lie to you and build you up to be an independent thinker that can make your own decisions. I think that sometimes I assume that everyone knows these things and that people are raised this way. It isn't until I see the lasting affects of bad parenting, and the disappointing happenings of someone else that I get a glimpse into how lucky I am. I have parents that push me to be more than I am and guide me to be the best I can be. I have parents that have taught me and shown me to rise above my circumstances and what happens to me. Parents that expect more from me, have given me the confidence and power to make changes and make my life all that I want it to be. Parents that are not only friends ... but parents, that don't claim to be perfect but are great examples. I have a family that is progressing, it may be slowly but they are constantly in the progress of bettering themselves and growing to become more. We have gone through hard times together but sometimes you wouldn't even be able to tell because we have overcome and do not let hard times get us down. I have a family full of so much love, and it only grows stronger. We rally around each other, challenge each other and support each other. I am valued and recognized.

In addition to my family come some of the most amazing friends a girl could dream up. I have notes left for me, pancakes and eggs made for me, non stop laughing, texts, quotes thrown at me, long rambled conversations, hours of phone calls, hugs, messages, and someone on the other end of the line at any time of night for pointless conversations. I have friends that stay up all night with me, walking buddies, people that tell me how it is and are honest with me, and friends that are up for anything, that go on random adventures and fill my life with so much wholesome joy and fun. More than that though I have friends that know me. I have people that value my thoughts and feelings. I have people that fight for me and for what I want and deserve even when I don't know what that is at times. I have amazing friends that defend me. I have friends that even if they don't agree or live their life the way I do they will always support, respect me and push me to be better. I don't have friends that use me for what I can give to them. I have honest people that would drop anything to even just sit next to me if that is what I needed. Friends that remember who I am even when I forget... friends that don't let me do stupid things in moments of emotional confusion. They build me up and allow me to be who I want to be. They do not try and push their beliefs or wants on me, they allow me to express and be myself whoever that is. They see my beauty and worth and remind me of it in the moments I forget.

I have people that build me up. Not superficially or materialistically but people that know my greatness and don't let me accept any less from myself. People that are proud of me for the right reasons. People that see the good in everyone and love them, and are disappointed and sad when they make a dumb choice. People that know my worth and teach it to me over and over again. People that give me the confidence I need to face the world, and the power to be myself.

I am just more thankful than words could ever express. I feel bad... I feel bad that not everyone has this support, encouragement and love. I am a strong believer that you can become anything you want to become.... but from what I have seen the people we surround ourselves with have more say and influence on our lives than we know.

So thank you. I will never be able to express my gratitude for all of the things you all enrich my life with. I will never be able to give back all that you have given me, but every night I go to bed I have a smile on my face because of all of you. Because I know that no matter what happens in life all it takes is one look at all of you to know that I have it all. I have people that give life meaning, and people that make my life worth it. I am blessed. You have touched and changed my life more than you will ever know. Thank you.

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