Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday Adventure

Sunday Sunday Sunday. Yesterday the 30th was a sunny warm day in Rexburg, warm being like 40 degrees haha We had bought steaks Saturday night and because it was so nice we wanted to cook them on a grill. So we trekked over to the boys apartments to find a grill, yet when we found one we realized it would be mean to cook and eat steaks in front of the boys haha Our next plan was to check Porter Park across the street, they had a grill and once we cleaned it would be fine. So we established a plan; Erin and I would clean the snow off the grill and the balcony (where we planned to have our winter picnic) while Michelle and Kimberly made the mashed potatoes, rolls, corn and waited for us to come get the steaks and help carry the food.

Erin and I set off on our mission with the best tools we could find to clear the snow; a Swiffer; a dust pan; a cutting board; and a serving spoon. We started on the balcony but soon realized our wimpy tools were no match for the inch of ice. It was then that we spotted a patch of grass that seemed to be saved just for us. We made our way through the deep snow, paving a trail to the clear spot only to discover it was all swampy. Disappointed but unwilling to give up we marched across the street. Swiffer, dustpan, cutting board and spoon in hand as people gawked and wondered what in the heck we were up to. We made paths through the park trying to find the most desirable place for a picnic, with ground that wasn’t too wet, back rests and just the right amount of sun. It was then that our eyes spotted that most beautiful picnic spot available in Rexburg. It was one of the play levels on a climbing gym. We got right to work at chipping off the ice and clearing the snow it took a while but 30 minutes later we were done and giddy to have the most amazing winter picnic ever. We skipped back to see the progress they were making in the kitchen and then we all set out with our coals, spices and oil to grill our steaks… we were quite a sight to those driving by haha Well our excitement was hard to maintain because we just couldn’t get the coals lit…. maybe it had something to do with the freezing weather, who knows. Haha We even borrowed gas to aid the coals… but eventually we gave up haha A boy told us the or apartment complex had its own grill so still determined we pulled it out of the shed. It used propane and we thought we were set. 30 minutes later when it was slightly warm and our toes were numb we put the steaks on…. Needless to say after another 30 minutes had passed they were still as pink as ever. Frozen and hungry we returned to our apartment, cooked our steaks, heated everything else up and enjoyed a very yummy meal in doors.

During our adventure Erin and I talked about how as a kid this was our life. You would work so hard to do something the long way and it was so fun that even when it didn’t work out it was okay because the game was in trying. I love adventures and as a kid this was all my life consisted of, most of those times were with my cousins. It was Taylor (my age) Tanner and Landon (same age) and I, always. I was the only girl yet it was always us four against it all. I remember playing trampoline basketball in the pouring rain (Tay Tay and I won thank you very much), going camping and having a pinecone war with random kids we met on the trail, and making a band out of stumps in our grandparents back yard. Back yard whiffle ball, volleyball, football, baseball and kick ball. Silly chants and names, bike races, almost getting hit by cars, catching the neighbor’s yard on fire, hikes, swimming, fishing and crazy talks about life and growing up. We built a tree fort, had an air soft war which put one of us in the hospital with a bullet in the eye, slept under the stars, and faced raccoons together.  We cleared trails, snuck out, pranked, wrestled, got buried up to our necks in sand, I pushed Landon into a cactus, and we ate till we were sick. New Years was spent with buckets of handmade confetti and pillow fights and always enough pie to please everyone for days haha

As we’ve grown up these adventures still happen, just in a more mature manner haha When we see each other we always spend the whole night talking, catching up and filling each other in. Taylor and I are off at college now… and things really have changed. It’s scary to think about us all losing touch even though we always promised we would all go camping together every summer when we were old and married with kids. I don’t know if that is going to happen but I am so happy for the childhood I was able to have. It was full of adventure, laughing and getting into trouble; I wouldn’t have it any other way. All I know now is that some days I just miss those old days haha I loved my adventure with Erin and all I know is that my husband better go on crazy adventures with me haha He better be the type of person that wants to go on winter picnics, hike and find something new for no reason, make a fort in the living room with me, jump on the bed and be daring haha. I refuse to get old and boring hahaha

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