Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Reason Behind My Silly Smile

He calls it a pity invite, but I like to think of it as me being nice, when I invited him to my movie party haha whatever way you look at it it’s how I met my bffl (Best Friend For Life). After that we started how most great relationships do, over MySpace. He teased me about a boy and as we traded jokes and insults we just kinda clicked. With the hang outs and 24/7 texting 365 days a year we developed a special connection. Yet it wasn’t until I was at a sad vulnerable point that this boy really showed me what he could do. I had just gotten out of a relationship and instead of being lonely and upset at night, my phone would ring and Kaeden James Ball would be on the other end. I’m sure I was annoying at times, because I usually am but he was there to listen to me, comfort me and of course make fun of me haha He has always had his own special way of making me laugh, causing me to forget my worries and the little hang ups I get stuck on. His kindness and friendship at that time is something I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for. He told me something once that has always stuck with me. We were walking out of Yelm high school after a game or something and I was talking about getting back with my ex and he said: “Do what makes you happy, but my shoulder will always be here for you to cry on when he screws you over again” and true to his word, he has always done just that.

As I look back at the long drives, the mall trips, the crazy laughs, the movies, the raps, the music, the ice cream, the night walks and the whispered secrets I feel blessed to have had him in my life. I could look high and low, near and far and still never find anyone in this world like him. My best memories from high school usually contain him haha Like the time we went to homecoming together and ended up ditching our planned dinner, walking down the street to a new restaurant. Going to basketball games and football games, our special hot chocolate secret, and silly conversations over yummy food. We had crazy plans to go to the Yelm club and the night my parents forgot about me so I stayed cuddled up next to him in a rocking chair till 3 a.m. is a night I will never forget. I loved the sweet talks we had in my car with the seats reclined, sun roof open staring at the stars in his driveway haha And the late night walks to the park by his house, sitting in the swings exchanging our deepest secrets. He wrote 4 pages in my Junior year book and those words will always bring a smile to my face, and warmth to my heart, as will this message he sent me that I made sure to save:

” BREANNA ASHLEY RUSHTON!? Uhhh, i think i know her. is she that girl who was my actual FIRST crush? You mean the girl that i was like madly in love with? You mean the girl who maaaade my sophomore and junior year?! You mean the girl that i wish was here to make my senior year? You mean the girl who i love so much that whenever she got hurt, i did toooo? You mean that girl who i met and started talking to on Myspace? HAHAHA. You mean that one chick who thought i was weird, and pity invited me to her movie party? You mean the only girl who i can write 4 pages in a yearbook too?! You mean that one girl who needs to come back to Lacey?! You mean that one girl who has a very special place in my heart? You mean that one girl who makes me soooo angry sometimes, but i still love her? You mean that one girl who has driven me around the 360 for like two years straight? You mean that one girl who i can't live without? You mean that one sexy girl who has the most amazing family? You mean that one girl who i will ALWAYS be friends with? The one who is a lifelong friend? You mean that one girl who rocks a bump better then ANY girl in the whole world? Even Snooookie?! You mean the girl who i can lay out under the stars with and just talk too? That girl who has an adorable laugh? You mean the girl who laughs at my jokes no matter how stupid they are? You mean the girl who was my first ever high school dance date? You mean the girl who i would follow until the end of the earth? You mean THAT girl?! Because, yeah. I know her. And she makes me life bettter. Why, what's up? :D”

I love him with all of my heart. The type of person he is will always amaze me. No matter how sucky things get, no matter how many reasons he has to break down he will forever have a smile on his face. Getting to know him has enriched my life. He is sooooooo happy and outgoing, funny and helpful. He knows and gets along with so many people that at times I worry about him replacing me and not needing me around haha This boy will always have a special place in my heart that is his and his alone. He is the best friend I had and still have. I love Kaeden James Ball for the fact that I can text him saying: “Can I cry on your shoulder?” and he will respond: “All day any day”. No questions asked he will always be the best place I can go for comfort. He will plan a cry party for us complete with ice cream and movies. To this day I miss him when I’m not with him. He is my best friend, the best a girl could ask for. He isn’t afraid to tell me when I’m being dumb, and tell me how it is. Other than my ex he knows the most about me out of everyone in my life, and I trust him with it all. I have gone through so much with him and I am better today because I have him in my life. I can only hope that there is more we can help each other through and I can't even begin to imagine all the crazy silly times ahead of us. :)I don't think I could ever find the words to express all that he has done for me. He will never fully grasp how blessed I feel to have him.   

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