Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Love Feeling Loved

Soooooo it's my birthday.... The big 2. 0. Yes folks I am no longer a teen. I have joined the club and can't be called a "dumb teenager" haha Wanna know my favorite thing about birthdays? Birthdays make me feel loved. You spend time  celebrating with those people in your life who really care, and you can see who they are. Not with who gives you what or people who do huge things for you but just who is there to make time for you and go out of their way to wish you a happy birthday.

This birthday I have felt nothing but love and amazement as I have been blown away by the amazing people in my life. I got 2 of the most adorable boots ever and gift cards to my two favorite places from my amazing family. And cards that brought tears to my eyes.

The gift that I was most touched by though was the one from Jordons family.... I didnt expect it but I got a huge box in the mail from my other amazing family. I got a scarf, hat and gloves, cake balls, and the sweetest letter from his sister saying that she "thinks of me as her sister". They are some of the sweetest people I know and I am so lucky that they came into my life. Along with their present was Jordons :) I got his sweatshirt and some memorable little things and meaningful inside joke items and a digital picture frame :D The perfect present for the picture obsessed Breanna :) He is adorable!
My AMAZING digital picture frame :)

I got a beautiful card from my grandparents and an AMAZING present from my love Brandi Clarke :DD

My roommates (Michelle and Jessica) are some of the most amazing people I know. Michelle brought me balloons to the class we have together and a "Its my Birthday" pin to wear haha They took me to Olive Garden and bought me dinner, and I woke Sunday morning to a pink and orange decorated living room! Then later I came home to a fruit feast. Fruit is my most favorite thing in the world and chocolate covered strawberries steal my heart :) They are so amazing, I am blown away by them and love them so much :)

The presents and food was all amazing but more than that the cards and kind words I've received this year made me cry and they took the cake. I just love the feeling of having the people I love tell me they love me haha I am so happy and lucky to have these people in my life :D


Hmmmm... So. I am usually really upset to be another year older haha but this year I have accepted it and am almost just excited to see this next chapter in my life. I adored my teenage years. I have had the most amazing life and experiences with growing up and as hard as it is to see that those teenage years are gone I am so excited to see what more life has in store for me.

The milestones that are going to come in these next years are big... and even scary haha but Life is beautiful :) and I cant wait to see where this ride take me.

So again, Thank you. Thank you to all those people who are in my life. Who love me despite mistakes and imperfection. Thank you for all those that share their life with me and share who they are. Thank you to those who make me feel special and loved. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Thank you all for the amazing people you are.

20's Here I come haha

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